Friday, September 16, 2016

Tech Tidbits: PollEverywhere

One area of instruction that teachers throughout Wake County public schools are trying to increase in their lessons is the use of technology to engage students and provide authentic feedback.  The increased availabilty of laptops, tablets, and students' phones (in the case of BYOD schools) has made this more possible.  

One webtool that has enabled an audience to participate in surveys or polls using these devices for years is PollEverywhere.  The site has continued to improve its features, and it is the focus of this tutorial. PollEverywhere enables you to create questions using 5 different formats: Multiple Choice, Open Answer; Question & Answer; Ranking; and Clickable Image.  

Once the poll is created, you can have participants join the poll in 2 ways: by going to a unique URL generated by the site (Ex:;
or by sending a text to the poll creator using a unique number and code. 
Participants can then submit answers to the poll as the poll creator pushes out each question.  The poll creator will see the results of the poll questions in real time as they are submitted. 

For more information about PollEverywhere, please watch the tutorial video below!